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Growth-driven web design

Written by Val Stepanova | Jul 31, 2021 6:25:12 PM

As a business, your website is one of your biggest tools and can contribute to your growth, though the web design and redesign process may limit the potential of many websites.

Read on to learn more about this problem, how it affects marketers, and the solutions that can save you from sinking money into an ineffective website.

4 Reasons Traditional Web Design Is Broken

Web design is at the center of successful websites. But it’s hard to reach that point when the web design process is broken. That’s because:

  1. It’s a lot of moving parts

    Whether you hire a firm, contractors, or in-house, it can be exhausting to find the talent and voices within and outside of your organization that need to be a part of the process.

  2. It’s cost-prohibitive

    Web design comes with hefty costs. In the Why Is Traditional Web Design Broken? document, HubSpot points out that a redesign for a small- or medium-sized business can run anywhere between $15,000 and $80,000. This number is even higher for larger companies. This means that for many businesses, especially those starting up, this may be too big a hurdle to cross or something they can only do periodically. However, it shouldn’t be years before websites should get significant updates.

  3. It’s time-consuming

    A website redesign is a time investment. It can take anywhere from three to six months to complete, and it can take longer if there are any delays.

  4. You’re not guaranteed the success you need

    After all your hard work, you’re not guaranteed success. Your website may look more aesthetically pleasing, but it doesn’t mean much if it’s not delivering results. Many web designers are not correctly optimized, which means you’re missing opportunities.

How Can You Design a Better Website

To build a better website, you need to focus on growth-driven web design or design that is informed by your audience’s needs. This approach calls for collaboration among several departments, analysis of data, and constant website improvement all in the name of better serving users.

How to Incorporate Growth-Driven Web Design

Growth-driven web design has three parts:

  1. Strategy: The goal here is to develop a strategy that revolves around your audience. This step involves gathering research on your audience. You want to be able to figure out who your audience is, what drives them, what they hope to achieve, and how your website can help them. Take your information and compare it to the rest of your industry and consider how your website has historically helped them — both of these should help you find your shortcomings and opportunities.

    From there, you can build personas, or an avatar of your target audience, and outline the entire customer journey, which plans how your audience will interact with your website every step of the way. Lastly, you will brainstorm ways that your website can support them at every phase, which includes contact forms when they’re ready to reach out, content that draws them in, key pages, and more. According to HubSpot, you want to build a wish list of more than 75 items. You should detail what modules, sections, site elements, and more that you want for your website.

  2. Web launch: While it may seem natural to re-launch when your website is completely done, growth-driven web design suggests you take a different approach and instead quickly soft launch. At this point, your website should look better and perform better. But it won’t be the final product. Instead, you’ll use this version of your website as a way to build a stronger one. As you find bugs and phase out sections that aren’t working, it’s the right time to start thinking about how to improve your content as well.

  3. Continuous improvement: Websites aren’t a one-and-done deal. They are a continuous process that requires nurturing. This might mean anything from redesigning entire pages to fixing small web copy. The point here is to always work on ways to improve your website.

How HubBase Helps With Growth-Driven Design

Because our team is made up of designers, SEO experts, and marketers, we know how to strike the right balance between beautiful design and functionality. We know these two aspects feed each other, so we take great measures to build a website that is as beautiful as it is optimized. Our websites are designed to grow organic traffic, quickly scale, and incorporate inbound strategy.

That aside, our team uses defensive coding techniques. When we write code doesn’t have any weaknesses. After we have performed a code review, we ensure that the code is free of any website security vulnerabilities. Learn more in this article: Website Penetration Testing: How to Protect Your Reputation.

HubBase is a San Francisco Web Development Company.