HubSpot Census Integration

Connect Census with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Lead Enriched by Census

Triggered when a new lead is enriched by Census. Use this to update lead records in HubSpot with additional insights and attributes provided by Census, enabling personalized engagement and targeted marketing campaigns.

Lead Score Updated by Census

Activated when a lead score is updated by Census. Use this to adjust lead scoring models or create tasks in HubSpot for follow-up actions, based on changes in lead engagement and qualification.

Lead Routed by Census

Triggered when a lead is routed by Census to the appropriate sales representative. Use this to assign leads to specific sales teams or create notifications in HubSpot for sales follow-up, ensuring timely and personalized outreach.

New Account Enriched by Census

Activated when a new account is enriched by Census. Use this to update account records in HubSpot with additional firmographic and technographic data, enabling targeted account-based marketing and sales strategies.

Account Score Updated by Census

Triggered when an account score is updated by Census. Use this to adjust account scoring models or create tasks in HubSpot for strategic account planning and prioritization, based on changes in account engagement and fit.

Account Assigned by Census

Activated when an account is assigned by Census to the appropriate sales team or representative. Use this to align sales territories or create notifications in HubSpot for account owners, ensuring effective account management and follow-up.

Lead Created in HubSpot

Triggered when a new lead is created in HubSpot. Use this to enrich lead data with Census, providing additional insights and attributes for segmentation and personalized engagement.

Deal Closed-Won in HubSpot

Activated when a deal is closed-won in HubSpot. Use this to update account records in Census with revenue data, enabling accurate reporting and analysis of sales performance.

Contact Engaged in HubSpot

Triggered when a contact is engaged in HubSpot. Use this to update lead scores in Census, identifying engaged contacts for targeted follow-up and nurturing.

Email Clicked in HubSpot

Activated when an email is clicked by a contact in HubSpot. Use this to trigger lead routing workflows in Census, ensuring that highly engaged leads are promptly followed up by sales representatives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration enhances CRM data quality by enriching contact and company records with up-to-date information from Census, allowing you to create targeted segments and personalized marketing campaigns based on accurate and comprehensive data.
Yes, you can automate lead routing processes by capturing and enriching lead data in real-time with Census and routing leads to the appropriate sales representatives based on predefined criteria, ensuring timely follow-up and personalized engagement.
Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic approach that focuses on targeting and engaging specific accounts. Census supports ABM by providing valuable insights into target accounts, enabling personalized marketing campaigns, prioritized outreach efforts, and coordinated sales and marketing activities effectively.
You can use triggers such as new lead enriched, lead score updated, lead routed, new account enriched, account score updated, and account assigned by Census to update HubSpot CRM with data from Census, ensuring data consistency and integrity across both platforms.
Census provides valuable insights into lead and account data, enabling you to personalize marketing campaigns and prioritize outreach efforts based on firmographics, technographics, and engagement data. You can leverage this information to tailor your messaging and content to specific audiences and improve conversion rates.
Yes, you can align sales territories and assign accounts to specific sales teams or representatives with Census and HubSpot. Census captures and enriches account data, allowing you to segment and prioritize accounts based on predefined criteria and ensure effective account management and follow-up.
You can get started by connecting Census with HubSpot CRM through the integration setup process, which typically involves configuring triggers and actions to synchronize data between the two platforms. Our support team is available to assist you every step of the way!
Using HubSpot and Census together provides a comprehensive solution for data enrichment, segmentation, lead routing, account-based marketing, and sales territory management. You can leverage enriched CRM data to execute targeted marketing campaigns, prioritize outreach efforts, and drive revenue growth for your business.
Yes, Census can integrate with other marketing and sales tools within HubSpot, allowing you to leverage additional functionalities and workflows to enhance your marketing and sales strategies. You can create seamless experiences for your customers and align your marketing and sales efforts for greater effectiveness.
Census provides valuable insights into lead and account data, enabling you to optimize marketing and sales strategies with data-driven insights. You can analyze firmographics, technographics, and engagement data to identify trends, segment audiences, and tailor your messaging and content for maximum impact.