HubSpot Zoom Integration

Connect Zoom with HubSpot

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Meeting Scheduled in Zoom

Triggered when a new meeting is scheduled in Zoom. HubSpot actions may include updating participant records, initiating pre-meeting workflows, or sending meeting details.

Meeting Started in Zoom

Activated when a meeting is started in Zoom. Useful for updating participant status, triggering real-time engagement workflows, or sending post-meeting surveys.

Participant Joined Meeting

This trigger occurs when a participant joins a Zoom meeting. HubSpot actions may include updating participant profiles, sending personalized welcome messages, or initiating post-meeting follow-ups.

Meeting Ended in Zoom

Triggered when a meeting is ended in Zoom. HubSpot actions may include updating participant status, sending meeting summary emails, or triggering post-meeting workflows.

Recording Available in Zoom

Activated when a recording becomes available after a Zoom meeting. Useful for updating participant records, notifying relevant teams, or initiating content distribution workflows in HubSpot.

Meeting Feedback Submitted

This trigger occurs when feedback is submitted after a Zoom meeting. HubSpot actions may include updating participant profiles, initiating feedback-driven workflows, or sending appreciation emails.

Meeting Rescheduled in Zoom

Triggered when a meeting is rescheduled in Zoom. HubSpot actions may include updating participant records, sending rescheduling notifications, or initiating relevant workflows.

Participant Left Meeting Early

Activated when a participant leaves a Zoom meeting before it ends. Useful for updating participant status, triggering follow-up actions, or sending early exit surveys in HubSpot.

Meeting No-show Detected

Triggered when a participant scheduled for a Zoom meeting does not attend. HubSpot actions may include updating attendance records, sending rescheduling options, or initiating re-engagement workflows.

New Webinar Registration in Zoom

Activated when a new participant registers for a Zoom webinar. This trigger allows for updating participant records, initiating pre-webinar workflows, or sending webinar details in HubSpot.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration ensures seamless synchronization of meetings by bringing Zoom meeting data into HubSpot, enabling efficient tracking and management of virtual interactions.
Yes, integrating Zoom meeting data into HubSpot allows for automated meeting reminders, ensuring participants are well-prepared and engaged.
HubSpot workflows can be triggered based on various Zoom interactions, providing enriched contact insights and fostering personalized engagement and follow-ups.
HubSpot actions may include updating participant records, initiating pre-meeting workflows, or sending meeting details when a new meeting is scheduled in Zoom.
HubSpot actions may include updating participant status, triggering real-time engagement workflows, or sending post-meeting surveys when a meeting starts or ends in Zoom.
Actions may include updating participant profiles, sending personalized messages, initiating post-meeting follow-ups, or triggering surveys based on participant interactions in Zoom.
The integration can update participant records, notify relevant teams, or initiate content distribution workflows when a recording becomes available after a Zoom meeting.
HubSpot actions may include updating participant profiles, initiating feedback-driven workflows, or sending appreciation emails when feedback is submitted after a Zoom meeting.
Actions may include updating participant records, sending notifications, or initiating relevant workflows when a meeting is rescheduled or a participant leaves early in Zoom.
Actions may include updating attendance records, sending rescheduling options, initiating re-engagement workflows, or providing webinar details based on participant interactions in Zoom.