HubSpot Slack Integration

Connect Slack with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Contact in List

Triggered when a contact is added to a specific list in HubSpot. This can notify a Slack channel or user, prompting timely follow-up or team awareness.

New Deal Property Change

Activated when a property of a deal in HubSpot is updated. This can send an alert or update to a relevant Slack channel, keeping sales teams informed in real-time.

Product Created or Updated

Fires when a product is either newly created or updated in HubSpot. This can trigger a notification in Slack, useful for teams managing inventory or product listings.

New Email Event

Triggered by various email activities in HubSpot, such as when an email is opened, clicked, or bounced. Notifications of these events can be sent to Slack for immediate action or awareness.

Add Contact to HubSpot List

Adds a contact to a specified list in HubSpot based on a trigger from Slack, such as a command or a message in a specific channel.

Create a Company in HubSpot

Allows for the creation of a new company record in HubSpot from Slack, potentially triggered by a Slack command or a conversation in a channel.

Find Company

Searches for a company in HubSpot and shares the details in Slack. This can be triggered by a Slack command, aiding quick access to company information.

Find or Create Line_item

Looks for or creates a specific line item in HubSpot from Slack. This can be useful for sales teams to quickly add or check line items during discussions.

Find or Create Ticket

Searches for or creates a support ticket in HubSpot based on a Slack interaction, ensuring customer service issues are quickly addressed.

Find or Create Deal

Either locates an existing deal or creates a new one in HubSpot based on a Slack command or message, facilitating quick deal management.

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Quick Guide to HubSpot Slack Integration

Unlock efficient communication and workflow between HubSpot and Slack in a few simple steps:

Frequently Asked Questions

The integration allows for real-time notifications and data sharing between HubSpot and Slack, improving team communication and collaboration on marketing campaigns.
Yes, you can set up to receive automated HubSpot notifications for various activities like lead captures or task completions directly in your Slack channels.
Absolutely. You can update and manage HubSpot tasks directly from Slack, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.
By receiving instant notifications in Slack for new leads or customer interactions in HubSpot, teams can respond more quickly and effectively.
Yes, you can easily create new HubSpot contacts from your Slack conversations, ensuring no potential leads are missed.
The integration is particularly beneficial for remote teams, as it centralizes communication and ensures all team members are updated on HubSpot activities.
Yes, you can customize your HubSpot alert settings to receive specific notifications in Slack based on your preferences and needs.
You can share key HubSpot reports and analytics directly in your Slack channels for easy access and team discussion.
The integration allows you to manage and trigger certain HubSpot workflows directly within Slack, streamlining your marketing processes.
Definitely. Slack can be used as a platform for discussing and refining HubSpot campaign strategies, ensuring team alignment and effective execution.