HubSpot Delighted Integration

Connect Delighted with HubSpot

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Survey Response

Triggered when a new survey response is received in Delighted. Use this to update contact properties, create tasks for follow-up, or trigger automated workflows in HubSpot based on customer feedback.

Negative Feedback Received

Activated when negative feedback is received in Delighted (e.g., low satisfaction score). Use this to create support tickets, assign tasks to relevant teams, or escalate issues for resolution within HubSpot, ensuring prompt response to customer concerns.

Positive Feedback Received

Triggered when positive feedback is received in Delighted (e.g., high satisfaction score). Use this to identify brand advocates, nurture customer relationships, or trigger appreciation campaigns in HubSpot to reward loyal customers and encourage advocacy.

Survey Sent

Activated when a survey is sent to a customer via email or SMS in Delighted. Use this to track survey delivery, monitor response rates, and trigger reminder notifications or follow-up actions in HubSpot to encourage survey participation and completion.

Survey Response Tagged

Triggered when a survey response is tagged with specific keywords or attributes in Delighted. Use this to categorize feedback, segment customers based on sentiment or preferences, and trigger personalized communications or actions in HubSpot tailored to specific feedback themes.

Survey Response Comment Added

Activated when a comment is added to a survey response in Delighted. Use this to capture additional context or details provided by customers, enrich contact profiles with qualitative feedback, and trigger follow-up actions or escalations in HubSpot based on customer comments.

Survey Response Updated

Triggered when a survey response is updated or modified in Delighted. Use this to track changes to feedback scores or comments, update contact properties or deal stages in HubSpot, and trigger workflows or notifications based on revised feedback.

Survey Closed

Activated when a survey is closed or archived in Delighted. Use this to track survey completion status, measure response rates, and trigger post-survey actions or analyses in HubSpot to gather insights and drive improvements based on survey outcomes.

Survey Exported

Triggered when survey data is exported or downloaded from Delighted. Use this to synchronize survey data with HubSpot, update customer profiles or feedback histories, and trigger automated actions or analyses based on survey results within HubSpot's CRM platform.

New Contact Added to Delighted

Activated when a new contact is added to Delighted. Use this to initiate the feedback collection process, send surveys to new contacts, and capture initial feedback data within Delighted for further analysis and action.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration streamlines feedback collection by automating the process of sending surveys via email or SMS after key interactions. Responses are captured directly within HubSpot, providing centralized customer insights for informed decision-making.
Yes, they can. The integration enables businesses to analyze survey responses in real-time to understand customer satisfaction levels, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive measures to address issues and enhance experiences.
Personalized engagement is facilitated by leveraging survey responses to tailor follow-up communications, offer targeted promotions or solutions, and foster stronger relationships based on individual feedback and preferences captured within HubSpot.
Absolutely. The integration offers customizable triggers such as new survey responses, negative or positive feedback received, survey sent, and survey response tagged. This allows businesses to automate feedback management processes and deliver personalized responses within HubSpot.
Businesses can handle negative feedback by creating support tickets, assigning tasks to relevant teams, or escalating issues for resolution within HubSpot based on triggers from Delighted. This ensures prompt response and resolution to customer concerns.
Yes, they can. The integration enables businesses to identify brand advocates based on positive feedback received and trigger appreciation campaigns in HubSpot to reward loyal customers and encourage advocacy, fostering stronger brand loyalty and advocacy.
The integration tracks survey delivery, monitors response rates, and triggers reminder notifications or follow-up actions in HubSpot to encourage survey participation and completion. This ensures comprehensive feedback collection and analysis for actionable insights.
Businesses can categorize and analyze feedback themes by tagging survey responses with specific keywords or attributes in Delighted. This allows for segmentation of customers based on sentiment or preferences and triggers personalized actions or communications in HubSpot tailored to specific feedback themes.
Yes, they can. The integration allows businesses to capture additional comments or details provided by customers within Delighted and sync this qualitative feedback with HubSpot. This enriches contact profiles and enables personalized follow-up actions or escalations based on customer comments.
The key benefits include automated feedback collection, real-time insights into customer sentiment, personalized customer engagement, customizable triggers for automated feedback management, effective handling of negative feedback, identification of brand advocates, monitoring of survey delivery and response rates, categorization and analysis of feedback themes, capture of additional customer context, and overall enhanced customer feedback management and engagement within HubSpot's collaborative environment.