HubSpot Forminator Integration

Connect Forminator with HubSpot

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Form Submitted in Forminator

Triggered when a new form is submitted in Forminator. HubSpot actions may include updating contact records, initiating post-submission workflows, or sending form submission notifications.

Form Submission Success in Forminator

Activated when a form submission is successful in Forminator. Useful for updating submission logs, triggering post-submission workflows, or sending submission success notifications in HubSpot.

Form Submission Failure in Forminator

This trigger occurs when a form submission fails in Forminator. HubSpot actions may include updating error logs, initiating follow-up workflows, or sending submission failure notifications.

New Form Field Created or Updated in Forminator

Triggered when a new form field is created or an existing one is updated in Forminator. HubSpot actions may include syncing form field data with HubSpot records, initiating field-specific workflows, or sending field creation/update notifications.

Forminator Form Published or Unpublished

Activated when a form is published or unpublished in Forminator. Useful for updating form status in HubSpot, triggering form-specific workflows, or sending form publication/unpublication notifications.

Form Submission Tagged in Forminator

Triggered when a tag is added to a form submission in Forminator. HubSpot actions may include updating submission records, triggering tag-specific workflows, or sending tag addition notifications.

Forminator Form Copied or Duplicated

This trigger occurs when a form is copied or duplicated in Forminator. HubSpot actions may include updating form records, initiating copy-specific workflows, or sending form copy/duplication notifications.

Form Submission Data Exported from Forminator

Activated when form submission data is exported from Forminator. Useful for syncing exported data with HubSpot records, triggering export-specific workflows, or sending export completion notifications.

Forminator Form Deleted

Triggered when a form is deleted in Forminator. HubSpot actions may include updating form status, removing associated records, or sending form deletion notifications.

Specific Form Submission in Forminator Tagged

Activated when a specific form submission in Forminator is tagged with a specific label. Useful for updating submission records, triggering tag-specific workflows, or sending tag addition notifications in HubSpot.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration streamlines form submission tracking by connecting HubSpot with Forminator, allowing seamless capture and management of form submissions directly in HubSpot.
Yes, bringing Forminator's powerful form-building capabilities into HubSpot enhances lead generation, enabling the creation and deployment of highly customizable forms for effective audience engagement.
HubSpot workflows can be triggered for automated form data synchronization, ensuring that form submissions are automatically updated and organized within HubSpot's CRM.
HubSpot actions may include updating contact records, initiating post-submission workflows, or sending form submission notifications when a new form is submitted in Forminator.
The integration can update submission logs, trigger post-submission workflows, or send submission success notifications when a form submission is successful in Forminator.
Actions may include updating error logs, initiating follow-up workflows, or sending submission failure notifications when form submissions fail in Forminator.
HubSpot actions may include syncing form field data with HubSpot records, initiating field-specific workflows, or sending field creation/update notifications when a new form field is created or updated in Forminator.
Actions may include updating form status in HubSpot, triggering form-specific workflows, or sending form publication/unpublication notifications when a form is published or unpublished in Forminator.
Yes, the integration allows you to leverage advanced Forminator features, including conditional logic and multi-step forms, seamlessly within HubSpot for enhanced form customization.
Form submissions through Forminator are reflected in HubSpot in near real-time, ensuring that you can promptly access and act upon the submitted data for effective follow-up and lead management.