HubSpot Help Scout Integration

Connect Help Scout with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

Scalable & Fast

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Conversation Created

Triggered when a new conversation is created in Help Scout. Use this to sync conversation data with HubSpot CRM, track customer interactions, and enrich customer profiles with Help Scout conversation history for personalized support.

Ticket Assigned

Activated when a ticket is assigned to a specific team or agent in Help Scout. Use this to sync ticket assignment data with HubSpot CRM, track ticket ownership, and automate ticket routing workflows based on contact properties or segmentation criteria in HubSpot CRM.

Conversation Tagged

Triggered when a conversation is tagged with specific labels or tags in Help Scout. Use this to sync conversation tagging data with HubSpot CRM, categorize conversations based on tags, and automate follow-up actions or workflows based on tagged conversations in HubSpot CRM.

Customer Replied

Activated when a customer replies to a conversation in Help Scout. Use this to sync customer reply data with HubSpot CRM, track customer responses, and trigger automated follow-up communications or workflows based on customer replies within HubSpot CRM.

Conversation Closed

Triggered when a conversation is closed or resolved in Help Scout. Use this to sync conversation closure data with HubSpot CRM, track resolution status, and automate post-resolution workflows or customer feedback surveys within HubSpot CRM for closed conversations.

Integration Health Check

Activated periodically to check the health and status of the Help Scout and HubSpot integration. Use this to monitor integration performance, detect any issues or errors, and ensure seamless data synchronization between the two platforms for efficient customer support management.

New Email Conversation

Triggered when a new email conversation is initiated in Help Scout. Use this to sync email conversation data with HubSpot CRM, track email interactions, and automate email ticket creation or routing workflows based on contact properties or segmentation criteria in HubSpot CRM.

Customer Tagged

Activated when a customer is tagged with specific labels or tags in Help Scout. Use this to sync customer tagging data with HubSpot CRM, categorize customers based on tags, and automate customer segmentation or follow-up workflows based on tagged customers within HubSpot CRM.

Ticket Status Updated

Triggered when the status of a ticket is updated in Help Scout. Use this to sync ticket status changes with HubSpot CRM, track ticket lifecycle stages, and automate status-based workflows or notifications within HubSpot CRM for ticket status updates.

Conversation Assigned Priority

Activated when a priority level is assigned to a conversation in Help Scout. Use this to sync conversation priority data with HubSpot CRM, prioritize support ticket handling based on conversation urgency, and automate escalation workflows or notifications within HubSpot CRM for high-priority conversations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration streamlines customer support by consolidating support tickets, emails, and chats in one platform. Help Scout integrated into HubSpot enables unified customer communication and personalized support experiences, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Yes, you can leverage HubSpot CRM data for enhanced customer insights in Help Scout. Integrating Help Scout with HubSpot CRM enriches customer conversations with valuable information, such as contact details and purchase history, empowering support agents to deliver personalized assistance.
The integration automates ticket routing and assignment workflows by leveraging HubSpot contact properties and segmentation criteria. Help Scout integrated into HubSpot enables intelligent ticket routing to the most appropriate team or agent, ensuring efficient handling and resolution of customer inquiries.
Absolutely. You can track and categorize conversations based on tags in Help Scout with the integration. Syncing conversation tagging data with HubSpot CRM allows for automated categorization and follow-up actions based on tagged conversations within HubSpot CRM.
The integration facilitates post-resolution workflows by syncing conversation closure data with HubSpot CRM. Automating post-resolution workflows or customer feedback surveys within HubSpot CRM ensures comprehensive support management and customer satisfaction post-resolution.
Yes, you can automate email ticket creation from Help Scout conversations with the integration. Syncing email conversation data with HubSpot CRM enables automated email ticket creation or routing workflows based on contact properties or segmentation criteria within HubSpot CRM.
Absolutely. You can prioritize support ticket handling based on conversation urgency with the integration. Syncing conversation priority data with HubSpot CRM allows for automated ticket escalation workflows or notifications within HubSpot CRM for high-priority conversations.
Customer interactions are synced regularly between Help Scout and HubSpot CRM with the integration. Automated data synchronization ensures real-time visibility into customer interactions and seamless communication management for efficient customer support.
Yes, you can automate follow-up actions based on customer replies in Help Scout with the integration. Syncing customer reply data with HubSpot CRM enables automated follow-up communications or workflows within HubSpot CRM for efficient customer engagement post-reply.
The integration ensures data consistency and accuracy through regular data synchronization and integration health checks. Automated integration health checks monitor integration performance, detect any issues or errors, and ensure seamless data synchronization between Help Scout and HubSpot CRM for reliable customer support management.