HubSpot Hotjar Integration

Connect Hotjar with HubSpot

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Heatmap Created in Hotjar

Triggered when a new heatmap is created in Hotjar. HubSpot actions may include updating website analytics, initiating marketing strategies, or sending notifications to relevant teams.

User Session Recording Started

Activated when a user session recording is started in Hotjar. Useful for tracking individual user interactions and initiating personalized follow-ups in HubSpot.

Conversion Funnel Step Completed

This trigger occurs when a user completes a specific step in a Hotjar conversion funnel. HubSpot actions may include updating contact properties, initiating targeted campaigns, or sending achievement notifications.

Highly Engaged Page Visit

Activated when a user highly engages with a specific page on your website, as indicated by Hotjar data. HubSpot actions may include updating lead scores, triggering personalized content delivery, or initiating engagement workflows.

New Feedback Received in Hotjar

Triggered when new feedback is received in Hotjar. HubSpot actions may include updating customer profiles, initiating feedback-driven workflows, or sending acknowledgment emails.

Abandoned Form Field Identified

This trigger occurs when a user abandons a form field on your website, as detected by Hotjar. HubSpot actions may include sending follow-up emails, initiating form optimization workflows, or updating lead scores.

Survey Response Collected

Activated when a user responds to a survey created in Hotjar. Useful for updating customer feedback records, initiating follow-up actions, or triggering survey-specific workflows in HubSpot.

Page Scroll Depth Reaches Threshold

Triggered when a user's page scroll depth reaches a specified threshold, as tracked by Hotjar. HubSpot actions may include updating engagement metrics, triggering content delivery, or initiating scroll-depth-specific campaigns.

New Hotjar Poll Answer Submitted

Activated when a user submits an answer to a Hotjar poll. HubSpot actions may include updating customer profiles, initiating poll-specific workflows, or sending personalized content based on poll responses.

User Exits Before Completing Goal

Triggered when a user exits your website before completing a predefined goal, as tracked by Hotjar. HubSpot actions may include sending re-engagement emails, updating lead scores, or triggering exit-intent workflows.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration enables the collection of valuable insights into user behavior on your website, leveraging Hotjar data to enhance your understanding of customer interactions.
Yes, integrating Hotjar data into HubSpot allows you to visualize and analyze user journeys, enabling data-driven decisions in your marketing strategies.
HubSpot workflows can be triggered based on various Hotjar insights, allowing for proactive optimization of user experience and conversion rate optimization.
HubSpot actions may include updating website analytics, initiating marketing strategies, or sending notifications to relevant teams when a new heatmap is created in Hotjar.
The integration can track user session recordings started in Hotjar, allowing for detailed insights into individual user interactions and enabling personalized follow-ups in HubSpot.
Actions may include updating contact properties, initiating targeted campaigns, or sending achievement notifications when a user completes a step in a Hotjar conversion funnel.
HubSpot actions may include updating lead scores, triggering personalized content delivery, or initiating engagement workflows when a user highly engages with a specific page on your website.
Yes, HubSpot can respond to abandoned form fields by sending follow-up emails, initiating form optimization workflows, or updating lead scores based on Hotjar data.
HubSpot actions may include updating customer feedback records, initiating follow-up actions, or triggering survey-specific workflows when a user responds to a survey created in Hotjar.
HubSpot actions may include sending re-engagement emails, updating lead scores, or triggering exit-intent workflows when users exit the website before completing predefined goals, as tracked by Hotjar.