HubSpot OpenPhone Integration

Connect OpenPhone with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

Scalable & Fast

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Call Received

Triggered when a new call is received in OpenPhone, providing immediate data for analysis and action in HubSpot.

Call Completed

Activated when a call is completed in OpenPhone, enabling automation of follow-up actions in HubSpot.

New Text Message Received

This trigger occurs when a new text message is received in OpenPhone, providing insights for personalized responses and follow-ups in HubSpot.

Call Recording Available

Fires when a call recording becomes available in OpenPhone, allowing for convenient storage and sharing within HubSpot.

Add Contact to OpenPhone Contact

This action adds a contact to a specified OpenPhone contact list, ensuring streamlined communication management.

Create Contact in HubSpot

Initiates the creation of a new contact in HubSpot based on information gathered from OpenPhone interactions.

Find or Create Deal

Similar to other integrations, this action locates an existing deal or creates a new one in HubSpot, triggered by OpenPhone data.

Update Contact Information

Ensures that contact information in HubSpot is updated based on changes recorded during OpenPhone interactions.

Remove Contact from OpenPhone Contact List

This action removes a contact from a specified OpenPhone contact list, maintaining accurate contact lists in both platforms.

Create Task in HubSpot

Generates a new task in HubSpot based on OpenPhone interactions, facilitating organized follow-ups and task management.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration allows users to streamline communication management and enhance customer interactions by integrating OpenPhone with HubSpot, providing a centralized platform for communication.
Yes, OpenPhone data can be utilized in HubSpot to personalize lead engagement strategies and track communication history, ensuring tailored interactions with leads.
Absolutely, the integration enables the triggering of actions in HubSpot based on communication events in OpenPhone, automating outreach and follow-up processes for increased efficiency.
OpenPhone provides call tracking and recording features, enabling users to track communication events and access call recordings directly within HubSpot.
Yes, the integration ensures that contact information in HubSpot stays up-to-date with changes recorded during OpenPhone interactions, maintaining data accuracy.
Users can generate tasks in HubSpot triggered by OpenPhone interactions, facilitating organized follow-ups and task management.
Yes, the integration captures data on text message interactions, providing insights for personalized responses and follow-ups in HubSpot.
HubSpot's analytics can be leveraged to track communication effectiveness, providing insights into customer engagement and interaction trends.
By utilizing OpenPhone data, users can nurture leads more effectively within HubSpot, ensuring timely and personalized communication with prospects.
Yes, the integration streamlines the process of adding contacts to OpenPhone contact lists from HubSpot, ensuring consistent and up-to-date contact management.