HubSpot Vidyard Integration

Connect Vidyard with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Video Uploaded

Triggered when a new video is uploaded to Vidyard. Use this to create marketing campaigns or update contact records in HubSpot based on new video content.

Video Viewed

Activated when a contact views a video hosted on Vidyard. Use this to track video engagement and trigger follow-up actions or notifications in HubSpot.

Video Liked

Triggered when a contact likes a video on Vidyard. Use this to gauge audience sentiment and personalize follow-up communications in HubSpot.

Video Commented

Activated when a contact comments on a video on Vidyard. Use this to foster engagement and initiate conversations with leads or customers in HubSpot.

New Video Added to Playlist

Triggered when a new video is added to a playlist on Vidyard. Use this to update contact records or trigger automated workflows in HubSpot based on playlist activity.

Video Published

Activated when a video is published on Vidyard. Use this to notify relevant teams or trigger marketing campaigns in HubSpot to promote new video content.

Video Tagged

Triggered when a video is tagged with specific keywords or categories on Vidyard. Use this to segment contacts in HubSpot based on video interests for targeted marketing efforts.

Video Embed Code Generated

Activated when an embed code for a video is generated on Vidyard. Use this to track where and how videos are being embedded and viewed, informing content distribution strategies in HubSpot.

Video Interaction Metrics Updated

Triggered when interaction metrics for a video are updated on Vidyard (e.g., likes, views, comments). Use this to keep track of video performance and adjust marketing strategies accordingly in HubSpot.

Video Removed

Activated when a video is removed or deleted from Vidyard. Use this to update contact records or marketing campaigns in HubSpot to reflect changes in available video content.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Integrating Vidyard with HubSpot enhances video marketing campaigns by providing robust analytics, personalized experiences, and streamlined lead generation processes.
Yes, leveraging HubSpot's CRM data enables personalized video experiences tailored to individual contact attributes and behaviors, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
Yes, HubSpot provides detailed analytics for video engagement metrics and viewer behavior, allowing marketers to measure the impact of video content on audience engagement and conversion rates.
By syncing Vidyard analytics with HubSpot CRM data, the integration facilitates lead generation through targeted video content, allowing marketers to identify and nurture leads based on video interactions.
Yes, you can set up workflows in HubSpot based on triggers from Vidyard activities, such as video views or interactions, enabling automated follow-up actions or notifications.
Yes, the integration ensures seamless synchronization of video data between HubSpot and Vidyard, allowing marketers to access accurate and up-to-date video analytics within HubSpot.
Absolutely, you can utilize Vidyard for hosting educational and support videos, and integrate with HubSpot to track viewer engagement and provide relevant follow-up resources or assistance.
By syncing Vidyard analytics with HubSpot, marketers can gain insights into video engagement metrics and viewer behavior, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization of video marketing strategies.
Using HubSpot and Vidyard together provides a comprehensive solution for video marketing, enabling personalized experiences, in-depth analytics, and streamlined lead generation processes.
Yes, Vidyard can be integrated with other marketing and sales tools within HubSpot, allowing for seamless data exchange and collaboration between different platforms for enhanced video marketing effectiveness.