HubSpot Freshdesk Integration

Connect Freshdesk with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

Scalable & Fast

Support Included

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Ticket Created

This trigger activates when a new support ticket is created in Freshdesk, enabling immediate follow-up actions in HubSpot, such as updating contact records or initiating support workflows.

Ticket Updated

Activated by updates to support tickets in Freshdesk, this trigger ensures real-time synchronization of ticket statuses and customer interactions between HubSpot and Freshdesk.

New Contact Created

This trigger occurs when a new contact is created in Freshdesk, facilitating immediate synchronization with HubSpot for unified customer profiles and personalized support interactions.

Ticket Resolved

Triggered by the resolution of a support ticket in Freshdesk, this action can update contact records in HubSpot and trigger follow-up actions, such as customer satisfaction surveys or upsell opportunities.

Ticket Reopened

Activated when a support ticket is reopened in Freshdesk, this trigger can initiate follow-up actions in HubSpot, such as re-engagement campaigns or escalated support processes.

New Conversation Started

This trigger fires when a new conversation is initiated in Freshdesk, enabling immediate engagement and follow-up actions in HubSpot to address customer inquiries or issues.

Ticket Assigned

Triggered by the assignment of a support ticket in Freshdesk, this action can update contact records in HubSpot and assign follow-up tasks to appropriate teams or individuals.

New Note Added to Ticket

Activated by the addition of a note to a support ticket in Freshdesk, this trigger facilitates collaboration and ensures all relevant information is captured in HubSpot for comprehensive customer records.

New Agent Assigned to Ticket

This trigger occurs when a new agent is assigned to a support ticket in Freshdesk, enabling corresponding actions in HubSpot, such as updating contact records or notifying account managers.

Ticket Closed

Triggered by the closure of a support ticket in Freshdesk, this action can update contact records in HubSpot and trigger follow-up actions, such as customer feedback requests or satisfaction surveys.

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Frequently Asked Questions

By syncing customer support data between HubSpot and Freshdesk, the integration enables seamless ticket management, improved response times, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Yes, you can leverage HubSpot's customer data to personalize support interactions in Freshdesk, providing tailored solutions and proactive assistance based on customer preferences and history.
Yes, support tickets are automatically synced between HubSpot and Freshdesk, ensuring that all customer interactions and resolutions are accurately tracked and managed in both platforms.
You can automate support workflows by triggering actions in HubSpot based on Freshdesk activities, such as ticket creation, updates, or resolutions, streamlining support processes and improving efficiency.
Absolutely, the integration allows you to track customer satisfaction and feedback gathered in Freshdesk, enabling proactive follow-up actions and continuous improvement of support services.
Yes, you can segment customers in HubSpot based on their interactions with support tickets in Freshdesk, allowing for targeted marketing campaigns, personalized support, and proactive engagement.
The integration improves customer engagement by providing timely and personalized support interactions based on HubSpot's rich customer data, resulting in higher satisfaction and loyalty.
Yes, integrating Freshdesk with HubSpot's marketing tools allows for seamless lead-to-support workflows, enabling more effective customer acquisition, retention, and engagement strategies.
Yes, you can set up automated follow-up actions in HubSpot triggered by specific support ticket activities in Freshdesk, ensuring timely and proactive customer support.
The integration benefits sales and marketing alignment by providing unified customer data and insights, enabling both teams to deliver consistent messaging and personalized experiences throughout the customer journey.