HubSpot Lokalise Integration

Connect Lokalise with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

Scalable & Fast

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Contact in List

Trigger the creation of translated content in Lokalise when new contacts are added to specific lists in HubSpot, ensuring that localized materials are available for targeted audience segments.

New Deal Property Change

Automatically update translated content in Lokalise when deal properties change in HubSpot, facilitating real-time updates and ensuring consistency across all localized versions.

Product Created or Updated

Sync product-related content between HubSpot and Lokalise to ensure that product descriptions, specifications, and marketing materials are accurately translated and updated in all languages.

New Email Event

Capture email content changes in HubSpot and synchronize them with Lokalise to ensure that email campaigns are localized and delivered effectively to international audiences.

Add Contact to HubSpot List

Segment contacts in Lokalise based on lists in HubSpot to facilitate targeted localization efforts and ensure that content is tailored to specific audience segments.

Create a Company in HubSpot

Automatically update company-related content in Lokalise when new companies are added to HubSpot, ensuring that localized materials are available for all customer-facing communications.

Find Company

Retrieve company-related content from HubSpot and synchronize it with Lokalise to ensure that localized materials are consistent and up-to-date across all marketing channels.

Find or Create Line item

Sync product-related content between HubSpot and Lokalise to ensure that product listings, descriptions, and promotional materials are accurately translated and localized for international markets.

Find or Create Deal

Capture deal-related content changes in HubSpot and synchronize them with Lokalise to ensure that sales collateral and marketing materials are localized and updated in real-time.

Update Contact

Automatically update contact-related content in Lokalise when contact details change in HubSpot, ensuring that localized materials are accurate and reflect the latest information.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The integration streamlines the localization process by enabling seamless management of multilingual content and translations directly within HubSpot, reducing manual efforts and improving efficiency.
Yes, you can automate the synchronization of translated content between HubSpot and Lokalise, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all localized versions of your marketing materials.
With Lokalise integrated with HubSpot, you can localize various types of content including website pages, blog posts, email campaigns, product descriptions, and promotional materials, ensuring that your messaging resonates with international audiences.
By centralizing localization efforts within HubSpot, the integration facilitates real-time collaboration between marketing teams and translators, improving communication and efficiency throughout the localization process.
Absolutely, you can segment localization efforts based on audience data such as contact properties, deal information, and company details stored in HubSpot, ensuring that content is tailored to specific audience segments and markets.
Yes, businesses can realize significant ROI by using Lokalise integration for efficient localization management, automated translation sync, real-time collaboration, improved communication, and ultimately, better engagement and conversion rates in international markets.
By centralizing localization efforts within HubSpot, the integration fosters collaboration between marketing, sales, and localization teams, ensuring alignment and consistency in messaging across all customer touchpoints.
Yes, you can track the progress of localization projects and monitor translation quality using Lokalise's built-in project management and quality assurance features, ensuring that localized materials meet your standards and deadlines.
By configuring triggers and actions within the integration settings, you can ensure seamless communication and data synchronization between HubSpot and Lokalise, facilitating smooth integration across marketing and localization workflows.
The key benefits include efficient localization workflow, automated translation sync, real-time collaboration, personalized localization efforts, cross-departmental collaboration, and ultimately, better engagement and conversion rates in international markets.