HubSpot Gmail Integration

Connect Gmail with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

Scalable & Fast

Support Included

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Email Received

Triggers when a new email arrives in Gmail, prompting a HubSpot workflow.

Send Email from HubSpot

Send an email via Gmail directly from a HubSpot record.

Email Link Click Event

Tracks link clicks in emails sent from HubSpot via Gmail.

Create Gmail Draft

Automatically drafts emails in Gmail based on HubSpot triggers.

Sync Contacts

Keeps HubSpot and Gmail contacts in sync.

Email Opened Event

Notifies when an email sent via Gmail from HubSpot is opened.

Label Email in Gmail

Automatically labels emails in Gmail based on HubSpot activities.

Archive Gmail Conversations

Archives conversations in Gmail when a HubSpot deal closes.

Gmail Attachment to HubSpot

Saves email attachments from Gmail to relevant HubSpot records.

Create HubSpot Task from Email

Converts emails in Gmail into tasks in HubSpot.

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Got more questions?


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can send personalized emails directly from HubSpot using your Gmail account, ensuring consistency in your email communications.
By syncing Gmail with HubSpot, you can track email opens, clicks, and responses within HubSpot, providing valuable insights into your email performance.
Yes, you can easily convert emails in Gmail into tasks in HubSpot, helping you stay organized and follow up effectively.
Yes, HubSpot's email templates can be used directly within Gmail, streamlining your email creation process.
Contacts in Gmail are automatically synced with HubSpot, ensuring your contact lists are always up-to-date across both platforms.
Yes, you can track the performance of your Gmail email campaigns in HubSpot, gaining insights into open rates, click rates, and more.
Yes, you can set up automated email follow-ups in Gmail based on triggers and actions in HubSpot.
The integration allows for more targeted and timely email communication with leads, using data from HubSpot to personalize and automate your Gmail outreach.
Absolutely. You can segment your Gmail contacts in HubSpot based on various criteria, allowing for more targeted and effective email campaigns.
By syncing Gmail with HubSpot, sales teams can track email interactions within the CRM, allowing for more informed follow-ups and a better understanding of prospect engagement.